Dedicated to those who don’t sleep: Dreams do not come true, they are true.
After Los Angeles, Berlin and Paris, we took “Cactus Klouds” – the first capsule collection from the young new fashion brand The Cabinett, founded by choreographer and songwriter SLip – to Milan, one of many creative meeting points that now has become the fourth in our fashion and art edition project. It explores the power of peace of mind, of coming home to ourselves. A series that captures SLip, photographed by Marlon Rueberg during Fuorisalone 2022 at Alcova Milan.
You should always look at things from all angles.
Can you punctuate yourself as silence? As emptiness? Give yourself to the moment and just be? Are you strong enough to smile at your fears and embrace them, accept them without allowing them to define who you are? Are you truly able to love in a way that liberates and sets free? Releasing all the claiming demons in your mind? Letting go of the past but also of the future? Letting go of control?
No matter where we stand in our voyage to ourself, a rebirth and a return to inner peace is a powerful thing to do, as an individual but also as a society. A conscious decision to be ourselves and decide for ourselves, every single day. Not out of selfishness, not out of ignorance of others, not out of the wrong belief that we are better or more valuable than anyone else, but rather because we let ourselves be guided by the most authentic feeling and frequency of love, for others and for this world. We go to war, equipped with all the gifts our passionate hearts have to offer.
And we will always remember: Experiencing peace within ourselves, no matter the external circumstances, is a powerful form of living in freedom.
„Strength? what do you mean by strength?“
„What I mean is how firm is your inner peace, how honestly can you observe yourself without judgement, how limitless is your love for yourself and all beings, and how willing are you to change yourself for the better?“ – (yung pueblo)
Being you: Imagining a new world
There is this dream, so strong, so clear, that leads us to a special place. We see it once we look not through the eyes of our earthly self, born in time and living in time, but rather through the eyes of the soul. Towns are the illusion that can draw a dangerous picture of separteness. There are light towns and dark towns, „there are wounded towns and sober towns and fiercely remembered towns, there are useless but passionate towns that battle on, there are towns where the snow slides from the roofs of the house with such force that victims are killed“ (Anne Carson). And of course there are.
Every single city, every place and every color reflects our diverse nature of being. Each time we travel, we discover another piece of ourself until we finally realize that everything is one, that we are one, that there are pieces we defintely have to find in our lifetime but they will, in the end, only lead us to one truth, the truth of oneness.
At night, we can breathe
„I am whoever I am in every moment because of my name and how I manage to try to figure out where I’m going. And it is actually the time between two and six a.m. when I can just keep looking to the sky and everything is quiet, I feel like I can hear the world because when the world sleeps, all of our intentions and true things that we actually feel become so clear. I feel that everybody is so connected to each other that I just realize that we all want the same thing.“ – (SLip)
In a world that is so loud and so confusing, let’s step away from time to time. Let’s distance ourselves from voices, ideas and energies that aren’t ours. More often than we think, it is not about the words but the pause between them.
It will always lead you back to the core: Love is the key. Love will fill the voids, love will set us free. Love will always be the answer.
true power being calm in the midst of chaos
timeless i exist in many places and many times at once
blossom is our season
Mut wer liebe wagt lebt morgen
a voice from I don't know where i can only give to you what i have given to myself
„You have no idea how hard I’ve looked for a gift to bring you. Nothing seemed right. What’s the point of bringing gold to the gold mine, or water to the ocean. Everything I came up with was like taking spices to the Orient. It’s no good giving my heart and my soul because you already have these. So I’ve brought you a mirror. Look at yourself and remember me.“ – (Rumi)
Photography: Marlon Rueberg Marlon Rueberg
Creative Production, Fashion Director, Text: Sina Braetz
Talent, Fashion Design and Creative Collaborateur: SLip
All Looks: Cactus Klouds by The Cabinett
white silk shirt Acne Studio, all Shoes santoni, blue Choker Givenchy
Location: Alcova Milan
Special thanks to:
Otherside Objects (interior in image spread 1, 7, 8, 11, 13)
La Succulente (Mirco-Temple by Côme Di Meglio image spread 6)
French Cliché (image spread 3, 7)
Nomad Studio (image spread 13)
Photography by Jean Francois Verganti
Photography by Jess Bonham
Photography by Will and Joan
Photography by Theresa Kaindl
"I do love a strong graphic; it’s something I’ve built my career on."
Photography by Jason Renaud
Photography by Dino Gulino